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(20)vBarter Features
(99)vBarter FAQ's
(12)Merchant/Gateway Account
(3)Merchant Rewards Program
(8)Trade Swipe Card Program
Gift, Scrip, Loyalty Programs
(14)IRS Tax Reporting
(4)Custom Designs & Plug-ins
(9)Exchange Best Practices
(3)Global Trade Marketplace
(34)How To's
(2)Feature Requests
(1)Mobile Apps
(4)vBarter Software Tutorials
(1)Video Stories
vBarter has an internal email app to send email to one, several or
all members. You can even add images, videos and html tags to make
your email look attractive. The email will be sent with your exchange
logo from your default admin account. See the At...
A: Edit/View items permission only allows the broker to edit/view
items of members for whom they are a broker for.
The Manage all items permission allows the broker to edit any item in
the exchange.
Therefore, when you select "Manage All Exchange ...
Q: I just posted a transaction and it appears that it charged the
member's credit card automatically. How did this happen?
A: vBarter offers (on a member by member basis) the option to charge
members transaction fees in real time, at the same time a...
Q: Can my members purchase trade offers from members in other
A: For subscription levels of Pro and above, your exchange
marketplace can be populated with actual items available for purchase
listed by members of other exchanges. But, keep...
Q: How do I charge interest on credit line usage?
A: You can set the default annual trade interest by clicking Edit on
the screen that displays when you click the Exchange Tab. The system
will charge the value entered, such as 18% (1.5%/month) on ne...
If Batch Processing doesn't display the members that owe fees so
that you can process charges to their credit card or checking account,
it is due to the Terms setting on each Manage Member's page. In
order for members that owe fees to display in th...
Q: When can I process charges?
A: You can process charges any time you wish. On each members Manage
Members page, you can also set Terms to No on a member by member basis
to process fees for that member in real time at the same time as the
trade tran...
VirtualBarter processes the following cash fees (based on each
members fee settings profile) to each members credit card or checking
TIP: You have an option to process transaction fees in real time at
the same time as the trade transaction...
You can use various HTML tags on most of the content pages to create
different effects, such as bold, italics, etc. You can also use HTML
tags to create links to other pages in vBarter or other sites, as well
as tags to send email and more. Following a...
Q: How do we set up merchant services so when people pay us, it goes
into our account? A: You will need a merchant account as well as a
gateway account. You can find details as well as a merchant account
application in the Downloads section and you can ...
Q: How do I add an exchange to my exchange network?
A: After you set-up a new exchange, you must add a member account
either by using the Join form on the exchange, or the Add Member form
in Then, approve the member. Then on the ...
All accounts whether they are members, sub-acccounts, brokers or
admins will display in Members > Members > Manage. Otherwise there
would be no way to manage the account. We plan on seperating them in
the new software so that you can filter brokers or ...
There are many automated emails sent to members from your exchange,
which are based on triggers, such as their account was approved,
transaction details, items are expiring in the marketplace, etc.
You can delete the special categories to eliminate them from
displaying in your marketplace. Or, you can edit them so that they
become customized and remain in your marketplace.
The mobil app is available with your own branding. Simply use [1] instead of to
access the mobile app. The ipHone and Android apps require
customization and submission to the app stores. The cost is $800 f...
Q: How are cash fees handled from other exchange members.
A: Trades within your own exchange will automatically generate and
charge fees to buyer, seller, or both based on how you have your fees
setup on the Exchange page. When one of your members ...
Q: How do I send referrals to members?
A: Referrals are done by clicking on the Referral Action Button on the
same line as the members name on the manage member's page. After you
click on the button, you can select the categories and members that
Q: How do I add a link on the home page to the Join page?
A:To create a link to the Join page anywhere on your vBarter exchange
site, using the Content Manager paste the code bellow where you want
the link to appear. Be sure to change the word excha...
After adding the bulleted list item, use the sort boxes on the left
to renumber the order of the list, then click Save.
Q: How can I give members credit lines?
A: You don't need to have trade credits in the system or network to
provide your members with credit lines. A credit line can be used in
your local exchange to buy from other members in your exchange. And,
if ...
Q: I want to setup a system where there are subzones with franchises
where I can provide a portion of the fees to that business, and then
under that I wanted to have field sales reps.
A: If you own all of the sub-zones, then you can use the Office
To charge an annual renewal fee in trade, on the Transaction tab,
select Post Member Transaction and change one time to recurring. You
can then set-up a recurring trade transaction with the member as the
buyer and your exchange's account as the seller....
Q: How do seller's know that they made a sale?
A: When a transactions is completed, sellers receive an email
notification detailing the sale and are notified to contact the buyer.
Q: How do I get prospects business and contact info?
A: Capturing prospective member's business and contact information is
on the home page. Once a prospect fills in their email address to get
additional information about your exchange, the next pag...
Sales persons and brokers actually have the same status and access.
The only difference is the label assigned to them. If you want to link
a salesperson to a member so that they earn commissions on an
account's cash and/or trade collections, then add t...
Q: Where can I find the date that we added a particular member's
barter account?
A: You can find the date on each members information page. In, click the Members tab, then Members >>
Manage >> Company Name.
Q: How can I stop the welcome email from being sent when I approve
new members?
A: The only way to alleviate the new member welcome email
notification would be to change the email address of each member so
they do not receive the welcome email, and ...
Error 500 typically indicates a momentary break in your Internet
connection, and therefore, the transaction posting is not actually
hitting our server.
If this continues, we would suggest doing a speed test to determine
your Internet connection speed...
You can add a visitor counter on the home page or on any other page
that can be modified using the content manager on the Content tab.
Simply copy and paste the code for the counter into a text box using
the content manager.
Q: How do I add a Broker or Administrator
A: On the Exchange Tab, click on Broker or Adminstrator, then Add
Broker or Administrator, then select the member you would like to
convert to a broker or administrator.
Q: How do I get my IRS 1099b eFile Data?
A: You can view or download a data file of all of your members barter
sales on the Reports tab. Simply click Accounting, then 1099b.
Select HTML to view the report on screen. Select Excel to download
the ...
Q: Where exactly do my referrals send to when I use the website to
email a member?
A: Using Referral located under the action buttons, the referrals are
sent to the member you selected the referrals button on. In addition,
they are added to the ref...
You can use recurring transactions to automatically repeat
transactions on specific days/dates or intervals. You can also set a
recurring transaction to send an email notification to the buyer.
By default the 'None' option will be selected for day o...
When you access the Join page, or any other page that requires a
secure connection, the https and the lock displays on the address bar.
Also for example, you could view the SSL certificate seal on the
bottom right of this page, and click on it to verif...
Q: How do I find a seller's details so that the seller can be
A: In, click the Member tab, display the member's
info and then click on the member's account number to display their
statement. Then select the statement mon...
Q: How do I stop my members from viewing global members and/or items
so that they only view local users?
A: Exchange Groups on the Exchange Tab is used to manage whether or
not your exchange is linked to other exchanges (for subscription
levels of P...
A: Does vBarter automatically send an email to new clients with
username and password? Q: vBarter sends an email with the login, but
the password is hidden for security purposes. It is always best to
call the member after their account is set-up, giv...
Q: How do I print statements or send them by email or fax?
A: Members can receive statements by email, fax, and or printed
(postal mail). You (or the member) selects one or more statement
receiving option on the Manage Members page. When you click ...
Q: What is the different between Salesperson, Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary Brokers?
A: You can assign up to 4 different people to each member's account.
We label them salesperson, primary broker, secondary broker and
tertiary broker. There is ...
Q: When you assign a broker, should the administrator set up a
separate account for the broker even if the broker is already a member
of the trade exchange. A: There's no need for a broker to have two
accounts. Add a regular member account and then ...
Transfer Trade should only be used to establish initial trade balances
when moving your exchange from different software, or to transfer
trade between two accounts that have the same EIN or Social Security
number. Use Post Transaction to post an actual...
Q: How do I set-up initial member account balances that the member's
had in our current software?
A: To transfer existing member account balances from your current
software when moving your exchange to vBarter, you will want to use
the Transfer Trad...
Q: It seems a seller can simply post a sale to any buyer whenever
they want to. What is to stop an unscrupulous seller from posting
transactions from different buyers on the drop down list?
Hopefully you have a relationship with your clients whereby ...
Q: In the Request Info link at the bottom of the home page, where
does the data go when someone requests more info? A: New leads
generated when visitors fill in the Request Info details are added to
Prospective Members on the Member's tab so that you ...
Q: Why does Month End Cash Due display $0.00
A: In Batch Processing, the Month End Cash Due column displays the
amount of cash owed after the closing of the previous month.
_In Batch Processing, the Month End Cash Due column displays the
amount ...
Q: How do I do a credit card batch to process fees owed by members?
A: On the Exchange tab, click Processing > Batch Processing, then
click the Process box next to the members you want to process.
If you want to process a different amount than th...
Q: How can I have two different fee structures?
A: Currently, you can have only one default fee structure for new
members. But, you can change the fee structure on a member by member
basis. So, it would be best to make the default fee structure the ...
Q: How do I collect payments? Is it an automated process?
A: To collect payments, you need a credit card merchant account, as
well as a gateway account.
Once you have a merchant account, they will provide you with a MID
and BID. We will then use ...
Q: If a new broker is assigned to an account during the month say the
15th. Would transactions up to the 15th reflect the old broker and
those after the 15th reflect the new broker? Or will all transactions
and commissions now fall under the new b...
Q: How do I process a global transaction wth a member in a different
A: You or the other exchange just posts the trade from the buyer to
the seller using Post a Global Transaction. When you use Post a Global
Transaction, you can view all ...
Q: When someone joins using the Join link at the top of the Home
page, where does that information go? A: New member details can be
viewed in Members > Members Approve. Once you Approve the new member,
they will display on the Manage Members page.
Q: How would we process credit cards on the 10th of the month?
A: On the 10th, click on Exchange > Processing > Batch Processing.
Then click Check All to place a check mark in all member's Process
box. VB will automatically process the amount du...
Q: How do I view a member statement that was already sent to the
A: Click on the account number of the member that you want to view
the statement for, then select the month and year of the statement you
wish to view.
Q: Why didn't some members receive statements? A: vBarter sends
statements to all members by email that are set to recieve it by
email, by fax for members set to receive it by fax (if you have a
myfax or efax account added to your exchange settings) or ...
Q: How do I track trade requests?
A: You can enter a trade request or any other info by clicking on the
Notes Action Button on the manage member's page. You can also click on
the Reminder Action Button to set an alarm to remind yourself (or the
The Contact page typically doesn't contain a lot of content, so that
page doesn't have the ability to add a text box. But, you can add as
much content as desired in the one text box on the Contact page. You
can use simple html tags to enhance the look...
Q: How do I credit back part of a sale posting?
A: There are two ways to credit back part of a transaction....
Posting Adjustment: Post a negative trade amount equal to the amount
of credit desired, using the same buyer as the buyer and the same...
Q: How do you set up different offices within the same exchange
website? For example, when you go to the "Member Directory" area it
shows the local businesses; however, when we have a Tulsa office and a
Dallas office, how would you differentiate so tha...
If you cannot find the other exchange to post trade to when posting a
Global Trade, the exchange is most probably in a different
clearinghouse that your exchange. When using Post Global Trade, you
must select the correct clearinghouse, then the appropr...
The correct steps for adding a new broker is as follows:
1.Go through the tabs Exchange > Brokers
vBarter will display a list of Brokers that already exist and ''Add
New Broker' button at the end of the list.
2. Click 'Ad...
Q: How do I set-up account numbers?
A: There isn't any auto generating system for account number, as most
exchanges have their own number scheme that they like to use, and
established exchanges already have account numbers for their members.
One us...
Q: How do we add photos on the featured stories that scroll across
the top-center of the home page?
A: You can add images by clicking on the Featured Stories links in the
sub-menu on the Content tab.
Q: How do I add a sub-account?
A: Typically members add their own sub-accounts. Therefore the best
way to add a sub-account is by being logged into the exchange as the
member you want to add a sub-account for. Then on their Account page,
select add ...
You can easily create custom 1099b's to email, fax or mail to your
members using Microsoft Word or any other document management program
that has Mail Merge. Just follow these few steps: On, click Reports > Accounting, 1099b. Then ...
As vBarter follows banking business rules, there isn't a way to
change a posted transaction.
You can only reverse the transaction and post a new transaction with
the correct amount.
If you click on the transaction number on the member's statement,...
Transactions will not process if the transaction amount exceeds the
available balance (trade available + credit line).
When a member is checked to receive their statement by Postal Mail,
when you run Monthly Processing, a PDF file is created that contains
all of the Printed Statements, which is added to your Inbox. You can
then click on the link in your Inbox to displa...
You can import a simple logo file to display on your website, or a
banner image file (JPG or GIF) with a logo and imagery.
Click on the Content menu option; Click on information; Select the
link you're working with; click Edit; under the existing pi...
Q: How can I add a pricing page on my exchange website?
A; There are several ways to add a pricing page. You can use one of
the existing pages such as About or Help (which is actually FAQ'S) to
detail your fees, and then if desired, somewhere in the...
Q: What's the difference in the various types of contacts? A: For
each member account, there can be a primary, secondary and tertiary
contact. The primary is added from the manage members page, the
secondary and tertiary is added or viewed by clicking o...
Q: On the content menu, there is an item "Add Item Help" - what is
this? Where does this content display?
When a member is adding a listing in the marketplace, they can click
the link for Help. The content added will display in the Help pop-up.
Q: When we run the month-end processing, it asks if we want to
process credit cards. What do we respond if we want them to process on
a different date? A: Check the option "Do Not Charge Credit Cards"
or the software will run the batch process for...
Q: How can I send emails with new marketplace offers to members?
A: vBarter features an automated email App to send an email to
members from your admin account with your logo on it. You can set
it to send daily or weekly, and it will include all ...
Q: How does the Marketplace link work? A: The Marketplace link
displays items you have listed in your Marketplace as well as global
item offers from members of other exchanges your exchange may be
linked to when a user clicks on Global.
Q: How do trade transactions get posted to member accounts once the
trade has been completed?
A: It's automatic. When a seller posts a trade, or a buyer puts an
item or items in their shopping cart and completes the purchase, the
trade is automatical...
Q: What is the difference between Broker Productivity and Broker
Commissions Report, and why does the Productivity Report only display
trade sales?
A: The broker productivity report only shows trade purchases,
theoretically transactions that the bro...
A: How do I send email to other exchange owners and brokers?
Q: vBarter has an internal email app to send email to one, several or
all vBarter exchange and or brokers. You can even add images, videos
and html tags to make your email look attractive....
Q: How do I setup and determine broker commissions?
A:Once you convert a member account to a broker account, you can then
click edit to set the broker permissions as well as the commissions
percentages for each broker. Next, assign brokers to member...
Q: If I cancel or close a members account, does an automated email go
to the member indicating that their account has been closed or will I
have to email manually?
A: When an account is closed, it goes into a closed folder and is not
deleted. You ca...
vBarter generates a unique system wide 14 digit trade ID each time a
new member account is created by a member, admin or broker, which is
similar to a Visa or MC number. You can find the Trade ID on each
member's information screen, by clicking on Mem...
The way Batch Processing settings work is that each member can be set
to Terms = Yes or Terms = No.
If set to Terms = Yes, you can process their fees anytime.
When you display the Accounts that can be batch processed, only the
accounts that are se...
Q: Do you host the vBarter software for exchanges on cloud servers,
or do I need to host on my server?
A: Yes, we host the software for exchanges on cloud servers at Amazon
and Rackspace. There is nothing for you to install on your servers.
Members can add up to 99 sub-accounts to their account from the
Account page in your website.
Sub-accounts cannot offer items for sale in the marketplace. The only
way they can earn trade is when the main account transfers trade to
the sub-account.
The VirtualBarter copyright notice on the bottom of the website is
universal to all exchanges using the standard vBarter design template.
Modifying any of the page layouts, integrated text, notices, link
labels, etc. requires a custom or semi-custom si...
Members can create up to 99 sub-accounts for employees, family
members, vendors and suppliers, and then transfer trade to their
Sub-accounts are similar to additional cardholders on credit card
accounts. The benefit for an exchange is ...
In order to display a video, you must first upload it to YouTube or
Vimeo and the copy the embedded video code to your vBarter exchange.
Here's a link detailing how to upload a video to YouTube:
Q: How do I send copies of your New Offers email to colleagues,
family and friends so that they too can learn about the opportunties
available on trade? A: When a member is logged in, on their
Account page, they can add as many email addresses as...
Q: Who files 1099b data with the IRS?
A:VirtualBarter provides the data for you to file electronically
using the IRS eFile FIRE system.
In, under Reports, you will find a 1099b section
where you can review 1099b info in HTML on...
A: To integrate an exchange's merchant account, we need your Merchant
ID, their Bank ID, your checking account number and the ABA routing
number so that batch processing settles through your merchant account
to your checking account.
Also, an exchan...
You can change the Exchange Name as desired.
If you change the Host Name, it will change the address of your
member site to the new host name. If for example, you change it to
abc, then your website will become
Last processed ...
Q: I need to add a category. Is this something I can do myself?
A: Categories must be added at a top level so that all exchanges are
using the same category list to select categories from. Therefore,
just let us know what you would like added by pos...
Q: How is a trade transaction handled between two members when at the
place of business and not online?
A: Transactions can be processed using several methoods:
1. Sellers can post a transaction using their computer.
2. Sellers can call the ...
Q: Can you help with content managment guidance?
A: As this can prove to be a time consuming task, our relationship
managers can help with new exchange set up and initial content
management assistance, but if you have ongoing content revisions
Send 1099b in Manage > Exchange emails a 1099b to members. The 1099b
barter sales also appear on member's January & February statements.
In reports, you have the ability to view (HTML) or export (Excel) IRS
filing data. In February, you can upload 10...
-go to
-click 'login' at right
-this takes you to a 'access denied page'
-add user name (this is a separate system, but you can use your same
VB user name)
-add a password
-click login
-an email will be sent to ...
A multi-page Join form provides the opportunity to capture contact
information on the first page in the event the prospect abandons the
application process for one reason or another.
We moved the credit card request on the last page, so if a prospec...
Help Desk Software by Kayako