Knowledgebase: vBarter FAQ's
How To - Add an exchange to my exchange network?
Posted by Bruce Kamm (Import) on May 07 2011 08:23 AM

Q: How do I add an exchange to my exchange network?


A: After you set-up a new exchange, you must add a member account either by using the Join form on the exchange, or the Add Member form in Then, approve the member. Then on the Exchange tab, click Administrators, then Add an Administrator, then make the account a Default Administrator, as each exchange must have a default administrator to finction properly. 

FYI, the Default Administrator account is the account that all trade fees, trade interest, etc are deposited into.

Also, when setting up an exchange, the Exchange host name becomes the sub URL. So, it cannot have a space. Once, you setup the host name, you would access the exchange at
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