Knowledgebase: vBarter FAQ's
vBarter - Why does Month End Cash Due display $0.00
Posted by Bruce Kamm (Import) on March 25 2011 08:24 PM

Q: Why does Month End Cash Due display $0.00

A: In Batch Processing, the Month End Cash Due column displays the amount of cash owed after the closing of the previous month. 

In Batch Processing, the Month End Cash Due column displays the amount of cash owed after the closing of the previous month. 

If your cash fees were imported to your exchange, or if it is your first month using the vBarter software, the Month End Cash column displays all zeros. Therefore, for this month, you will have to enter the amount you want to process for each member in the Amount boxes. 
FYI, Current Cash Due includes all cash owed up til right now.
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