vBarter - Monthly & Transaction Fees
Posted by Bruce Kamm on March 17 2010 07:30 PM

The following details an excellent suggested fee structure for a new exchange....

Charge $15 cash and $15 trade per month so that you have residual income even if some members don’t trade for several months. And, the trade fees will cover trade business expenses and a bad debt reserve for members that go out of business who had a negative trade balance if they used their credit line.

Charge 5% on the buy side and 5% on the sell side so that you are earning 10% transaction fees (5% from buyer + 5% from seller) when both parties are in your exchange, yet you are still earning 5% if only the buyer or seller is in your exchange doing a transaction in the global trade marketplace with a member from a different exchange.

Charge interest, perhaps 12%/year on negative trade balances, just like a credit card company or bank does. I would charge interest (12% to 18%) on past due cash fees, and I would charge a $29 late fee after fees are 60 days or 90 days late.
(111 vote(s))
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