Merchant Accounts - Set-up your Account Login
Posted by Bruce Kamm on February 23 2010 08:45 AM

If you already have an gateway account, simply provide us with your login and transaction key so that you can start processing through your account.

Once your account is activated, provide us with your login and transaction key, so that we can integrate it into your exchange.

To get a transaction key:

  1. Log in to your account as a "merchant"
  2. Go to Account tab on the top menu
  3. Under Security Settings, click Login ID & transaction key

Once your processing integration is complete, we will inform you that your exchange is ready to process credit card transactions.

We suggest that you process a test transaction to assure that it is processing correctly...

  1. Simply process a $1 charge for a member.
  2. In about an hour, view the member's statement to confirm that a $1 was posted to their account.
  3. Next morning, check your account to be sure that $1 displays there as well. 








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