Knowledgebase: Feature Requests
Current Features - Enhancements
Posted by Bruce Kamm on October 08 2013 10:29 PM

Have an idea to make a current feature better or more intuitive? Add your comment and provide as much detail as possible.

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Comments (2)
Kenneth J Engle
October 17 2013 07:22 PM
Not a big deal, but i was thinking how a little thing could help improve customer experience on the web sire.

After you go in to "Member Directory"
you can click on a specialty to list all the people providing the service.

Now what would be nice is to have a link next to each business,
which when clicked will automatically go to the search item page
then inserts the company identifier and executes a search.

This way someone can identify a company they are interested in and
easily go to see all of their products without navigating to search and
having to input business id.

In addition it would be nice if the link could be used to create
paste to the customer web site so someone on their website could,
click it and be linked into the vbarter website showing the clients products.

Seems like a very simple addition.
No rush, I am sure your busy with stuff right now.
Kenneth J Engle
October 22 2013 08:44 PM
Looking at the marketplace directory I was trying to see how it may be based on some standard directories. I did not see any correlation.

I was thinking wouldn't it be more efficient and effective to go by some standard hierarchy, such as
SIC Codes - Standard Industrial Classification System
or maybe the
NAICS Codes - North American Industry Classification System

It is ready made, and could fit with other things a business has to deal with.

For Products you could use the
UNSPSC United Nations Standard Products and Services Code

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